Debate on the vaccination of children 21st September 2021 Miriam Cates MP leads a Westminster Hall debate on the vaccination of children against COVID-19 asking that we put the genuine and long-term interests of our... Speeches in Parliament
The new Health and Social Care Levy 9th September 2021 Miriam Cates MP speaks in the House of Commons to raise her reflections on the new health and social care Levy Speeches
Investing in The Penistone Line 8th September 2021 Miriam Cates MP explains why investing in our train lines is central to levelling up - local bus and train services are vital for everyday travel - travel to... Articles
The importance of having a Local Plan 8th September 2021 Miriam Cates MP discusses the importance of Local Plans to local democracy and insuring local people get a say in local planning policy and strategy. Articles
Vaccinating 12-15 year olds - the balance of risk 7th September 2021 Miriam Cates MP calls for the Chief Medical Officers to focus solely on the question of whether or not to vaccinate 12-15 year olds from a medical perspective. Opinions
Mass testing school children for COVID has to end 1st September 2021 Miriam Cates MP writes in the Telegraph about the need to cease mass COVID testing in children so as to prevent further disruption to their education and the... Articles
Holiday Activities and Food programmes launched 24th August 2021 Miriam Cates MP discusses the importance of free school meals noting that under a Conservative Government eligibility has widened so that more children than... Local News
In defence of lockdown grade inflation 11th August 2021 Miriam Cates MP argues that one-off grade inflation is a price worth paying in the face of the sacrifices our young people have had to make. Articles
£21 million investment in local flood protection 2nd August 2021 Miriam Cates MP welcomes the Government's £21 million investment in improving flood protection and water management in local area. Local News