Kickstart - calling all employers
I'm delighted to announce the launch of the Government's £2bn Kickstart Scheme for jobs. The scheme is part of the Government’s Plan for Jobs and is focused on helping young people who are at risk of long term unemployment post COVID, and it opens today.
During the election campaign I spoke to many people across the constituency who were worried about the lack of local career opportunities for our young people. Whilst none of us could have predicted the pandemic, its impact on the economy has meant that young people now face an even greater challenge in starting their careers.
So whether your business is in Penistone, Stocksbridge, Chapeltown, Ecclesfield and Dodworth or any one of our wonderful local communities, and you have a qualifying job to offer one, or more, of our young people, I’d encourage you to sign up for the Kickstart Scheme.
When you're ready to offer one or more new jobs, that will last for at least six months, and which will give someone between 16 and 24 and who is on Universal Credit, an appropriate level of support and experience, you should visit this website to find out more about the scheme including how to apply.
I’d love to hear from you if you are an employer considering taking part, or if you need any support with your application. Email me.
Kickstart Scheme - Key facts
- The scheme is open to employers of all sizes - for organisations offering fewer than 30 jobs there is a local coordinator to help pool your application
- Employers will need to show that the Kickstart role is an additional job that will provide the experience and support a young person needs to improve their chances of permanent employment
- Government funding for each job will cover the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions where applicable
- There will be an additional £1500 funding for start-up and wrap-around support for each placement created
- The jobs you create cannot replace existing or planned roles, nor can they cause existing employees or contractors to lose their employment
- The jobs you create should not require people to undertake extensive training before they begin the job placement
- Referrals of candidates for roles will be through the Jobcentre Plus network and of course each employer will be able to interview candidates
- The first participants are expected to take up their Kickstart roles from November
- The scheme is expected to remain open until December 2021 with the final cohort of six month roles to end in Summer 2022.